
In a small town in the USA, John was known for his terrible luck and funny antics. One frigid winter day, he decided to prank his Chinese neighbor, Wei, by building a snowman on his front porch. As John sculpted the frosty figure, he chuckled at the thought of Wei's surprise.

Little did John know, Wei had a mischievous streak of his own. Spotting John's handiwork, Wei hatched a plan. He quietly snuck out and moved the snowman right in front of John's door.

The next morning, John opened his door, only to be startled by the snowman he thought he'd left at Wei's house. Confused and a bit spooked, he stumbled backward, slipping on a patch of ice. As he fell, he grabbed onto the snowman, causing it to topple onto him.

Wei, watching from his window, couldn't contain his laughter. He rushed over to help John, who was now covered in snow and looking utterly bewildered.

"I thought I left this at your house!" John exclaimed, brushing snow off his jacket.

Wei grinned, "I couldn't resist returning the favor."

The two neighbors laughed together, their prank war creating an unlikely friendship. They decided to celebrate by having hot chocolate, but when John