a dog

Max was a scruffy mutt with a heart of gold. He lived on the streets, scrounging for scraps and dodging cars. Despite his tough life, Max never lost his friendly spirit.

One rainy day, Max found shelter under a park bench. A little girl named Sophie sat on the bench, crying. Max gently nudged her hand with his nose. Sophie looked down and smiled through her tears.

"Hi, doggy," she sniffled. Max wagged his tail and put his head on her lap.

Sophie's parents had been arguing, and she ran to the park to escape. As she petted Max, her worries melted away. For the next hour, they played fetch with a stick Sophie found.

When it was time to go home, Sophie reluctantly said goodbye. Max watched her leave, feeling a pang of loneliness.

The next day, Sophie returned with her parents. They had made up and wanted to thank the dog who comforted their daughter. To Max's surprise, they offered to adopt him.

Max's life changed dramatically. He went from sleeping on cold concrete to curling up in a warm bed. Sophie brushed his fur daily and took him on long walks. For the first time, Max knew what it felt like to be part of a family.

Years passed, and Max grew old. His m