
As the sun rose on a sleepy Tuesday morning, the small town of Millbrook was suddenly jolted awake by an unexpected sight. Every single object in the town had mysteriously turned red overnight.

The townspeople stumbled out of their houses, rubbing their eyes in disbelief. Red cars lined the streets, red trees swayed in the breeze, and even the sky had a pinkish tinge. Mrs. Johnson's prized white poodle was now sporting a vibrant crimson coat.

Mayor Higgins called an emergency town meeting, but it was hard to take him seriously as he stood at the podium in his now-red suit, looking like an overgrown tomato. The local conspiracy theorist, Old Man Jenkins, insisted it was an alien invasion, while the high school art teacher suggested they had somehow been transported into a giant painting.

As panic started to set in, little Timmy spoke up from the back of the room. "Has anyone checked the water tower?" he asked innocently. The crowd rushed to the town's water tower, and sure enough, there was the culprit - a massive red dye packet stuck in